« Institutions, businesses and private individuals whose consumption of thermal and / or electric energy exceeds a threshold which is specific to each sector as provided for by regulation shall be subject to a mandatory periodic energy audit.
Mandatory energy audits shall also apply to energy production, conveyance and distribution establishments and enterprises »,
excerpt from Law 47-09, Chapter IV, Article 12.
The energy audit is « the whole set of technical and economic studies, investigations and controls of the energy performance of equipment and technical processes, leading to the identification of causes of energy overconsumption and the proposal of a plan of corrective measures »,
excerpt from Law 47-09 on energy efficiency, Chapter I, Article 1, Paragraph 3.
The energy audit is a scientific report aimed at comprehensively analyzing all energy data of a structure, its human operating modes, the condition of its equipments, the performance of its processes, and the energy bills in order to identify areas for improvement and recommendations for significantly reducing consumption and increasing energy efficiency.
Energy audits include :
- The inventory of all equipments and the assessment of their condition
- A diagnosis of technical systems and the analysis of their energy performance
- The evaluation of actual consumption and energy needs
- An on-site measurement campaign
- The reasoned analysis of the energy profile
Proposals for reducing energy consumption and costs, along with detailed costing of investments, potential gains and span of the return on investment
- An action plan, guidance on best energy efficiency solutions
- A proposal to support the implementation of energy efficiency solutions
The key elements of energy savings occur most often in the following cases :
- Improved performance of boiler houses
- Improved steam and hot water circuits
- Optimization of condensate recovery
- Minimization of water consumption and machine energy
- Diagnosis of ventilation systems, air conditioning and refrigeration units
- Improved management of the distribution of electric energy
- Optimization of compressed air production and distribution systems
- Optimization of lighting
- Optimization of electricity bills