Norme ISO 50001 – Système de management de l’Energy
Les débuts de la certification ISO 50001 au Maroc. Appel d'offres
CLEAN TECH consolide sa position de leadership dans les études d’impacts sur l’Environment ...
The Environmental Impact Assessment (also called EIA) is a scientific document and a legal procedure of assessment of expected and estimated human impact on the environment, due to the implementation of new activities and/or new projects. It constitutes a tool in the preventative management of projects (industrial, touristic, urban, infrastructure) in order to identify, prevent and assess potentially damaging consequences on the environment.
The EIA is critical in the preparation of a project that is likely to harm the environment in its 3 dimensions: ecological, economic and social. The synergy between these three pillars constitutes the foundation of sustainable development.
Simultaneously, the EIA is a tool that assists in decision-making processes by allowing those in charge to consider a variety of scenarios of inclusion of the project in its environment and allows them to choose the best eco-friendly option.
Finally, the EIA leads to the identification of means that allow for the improvement of the environmental profile of the project by either reducing and/or compensating for its damaging effects.