o EIA for a hot rolling mill project and EIA for its new steelworks :
The project involved in a first stage the achievement of a hot rolling mill and the construction, in a second phase, of a steel mill with annual production capacity of 1 million tonnes, with a total budget of 1.2 billion MAD.
The proposed hot rolling mill and steelworks complex involved the creation of nearly 1,100 jobs. It constitutes the locomotive of this zone which covers 130 ha and will host large industrial units, a training centre, administrative dependencies, a shopping centre, a mosque, as well as parks and entertainment spaces. The total investment will generate up to 20,000 jobs.
The environmental assessment of the project was considered positive with regard to measures taken for amplifying positive impacts and minimizing the negative effects identified.
Both projects have gained environmental acceptability of the CNEI.
o Environmental and social management plan of the SAMIR refinery upgrade project in Mohammedia :
The environmental and social management plan (ESMP) is a mechanism that ensures the protection of the environment through the compliance with the commitments and recommendations of the Environmental Impact Assessment and provides a monitoring structure for :
Ensuring that measures to preserve the environment are implemented in accordance with the EIA recommendations
- Demonstrating their effectiveness and identifying additional sectors or measures to be taken into account
The plan dealt in particular with :
- Air quality at local and national levels
- Management of generated liquid and solid wastes that could contaminate soil, subsoil and surface waters
- Safety control and management of the storage of chemical and petroleum products
The on-site monitoring of these components made it possible to adjust the ESMP according to changes in :
- Legislation and regulation.
- The operational activity in connection with a major change in the processes
- The new environmental or social mitigation measures
The effective implementation of the ESMP is controlled and monitored through specific environmental audits and inspection programs
o Study of safety training on behalf of the APP and the Ministry of Handicrafts :
The safety of potters’ sites is an important issue for the sustainability of their activities, the protection of people and facilities within the respect of the environment. The study and training services under this project dealt with risks, and prevention and safety systems inherent to the use of gas ovens in the workshops of potters and their LPG facilities. It summarized the occupational risks (explosion, inflammation, toxicity, anoxia, mechanical hazards, human technical incidents, ...), identified means to prevent and mitigate the related impacts set forth the findings in the area of acquiring means of technical and organizational prevention. CLEAN TECH has also developed technical solutions recommended as part of the prevention and safety of the said industrial sites, and trained more than 400 potters spread over 4 sites in Fes and in the region of Marrakech.
o Training on CDM mechanisms for the Ministry of Territory Planning and the Environment :
The entry into force of the 2005 Kyoto Protocol deals with the commitments of voluntary limitation of greenhouse gas emissions. The Kyoto Protocol introduced flexibility mechanisms such as the CDM to promote investments in clean or alternative technologies for reducing such emissions. CLEAN TECH organized and facilitated several training sessions on Climate Change and the Clean Development Mechanism in favour of industrial operators and senior staff of Communes, addressing conceptual foundations illustrated by case studies.